More Abortion Cases, Please

People are reluctant to discuss abortion for three main reasons: 1) our views on abortion are often entangled with our political and religious allegiances, and therefore our very identities. 2) Deep down, we know sweeping pro-this or pro-that positions are grossly oversimplified and subject to criticism. And 3) 1 combined with 2 leads to insecurity, rationalizations and hostile denialism, even among the most enlightened. Our culture pretends we have to be either generally for or against abortion – sophistication and nuance aren’t allowed. So we sheepishly align with one camp or the other, saving our influence for safer topics.

But as as ethics bowlers, we know better. We know abortion is a complicated issue with competing legitimate values, requiring careful examination and balance. We know the pro-vs-pro dilemma is a sad political artifact. We know our culture can and should do better, and that we have the power to lead it out of the current corrosive impasse.

It’s past time the ethics bowling community tackled abortion head-on. If any group can destigmatize and enrich abortion ethics discussion, it’s us. So case-writing committees, do your thing, please.

A preview of my new abortion ethics book is below. If you’re a case-writer, coach or competitor inspired to dig deeper, please let me know how I can help. Let’s bring our collective wisdom and thoughtfulness to bear on this most divisive of issues. Let’s help the world begin to treat abortion with the honesty and care it deserves.

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